Monday, January 5, 2009

summer magic

05 jan 2009
we were driving, my dad and i. it was dark, nothing around, and suddenly he stopped at a gas pump. all was black and dark except the gas pump. i was outside with him, and he stopped and asked me if i was okay. are you alright? yes, i said unsure. no, are you alright? is everything okay? and i woke up
i can see clearly, it wasn't worth the tears. we held on to something that was only a summer long gleam of light. because magic happens in the summer. when the wind comes, the cold rushes in, the suntan fades and the sandals are pushed far away into the closet...the spell is broken. the moment fades, the magic is lost. poof. and all that is left is the cold and momentary whispers of memories. the sparkles of his eyes that gleamed into mine dimmed, as did our love, as did the beating heart for each other. if life was but an "endless summer" then we wouldn't have the winter, the fall, the spring, to think and rejuvenate our souls. to ready ourselves for more magic to appear. better, more extravagant powers to come our way. new. but we also wouldn't have that time to mourn over the summer past. the magic that set beneath the ocean, never to rise again.

Picture taken in Canoa, Ecuador

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